Artificial sweeteners linked to depression

A diet high in ultraprocessed food (UPF), particularly artificial sweeteners, has been linked to increased depression risk, new data from the Nurses Health Study II (NHS II) suggest. Nurses who consumed more than eight servings daily had about a 50% higher risk of developing depression than nurses who consumed four or fewer servings daily. However, in a secondary analysis, in which the researchers tried to tease out specific foods that may be associated with increased risk, only artificial sweeteners and artificially sweetened beverages were associated with an increased risk of depression. "Animal studies have shown that artificial sweeteners may trigger the transmission of particular signaling molecules in the brain that are important for mood," study investigator Andrew T. Chan, MD, MPH, of the Clinical and Translational Epidemiology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, told Medscape Medical News. "Given this potential association between ultraprocessed food and multiple adverse health conditions, wherever possible individuals may wish to limit their intake of such foods. This may be a lifestyle change that could have important benefits, particularly for those who struggle with mental health," Chan said.

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Additional funding for Mental Health in Australia

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) welcomes the Federal Government’s $27.5 million investment in Australia’s psychiatry workforce, and says it will help ensure all Australians, regardless of where they live, have more access to quality mental health care. The funding allows for a three year extension of the successful Psychiatry Workforce Program, delivered by the RANZCP, which encourages more medical graduates to pursue psychiatry, supports additional psychiatry training posts and supervisors, and develops a rural psychiatry training pathway and network.

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Psychiatrist offer hope or death?

Fast-forward to 2023 when the act of a physician hastening a patient's death has become a controversial topic as criteria have expanded. Like all such topics in our polarized society, people aligned on sides, politics, and religion rush to the head of the room, legislation is proposed, and words take on new meanings. If you're in favor of legalization of clinician assistance in a patient's death, the term is medical assistance in dying (MAID). If you're opposed, the term is the more graphic physician-assisted suicide.

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Electronic Nose May Sniff Out Early Lung Cancer in COPD

An electronic exhaled breath analyzer showed differences in breath profiles of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who did and did not develop lung cancer, based on data from a prospective study of approximately 800 individuals.

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Process of Gold Reductive Thermal Atomic Layer Deposition

Due to the Among the possible devices to perform hydrogen production in the coming years. with high commercial value

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Water Splitting Electrocatalysts Based on Rhenium

Searching for alternative environmentally acceptable energy sources is vital because of the contamination and global warming issues. Hydrogen is a possible alternative in this field. When hydrogen is produced using water electrolysis that is powered by renewable energy sources, the potential is much greater.

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High Oxide and Thermally Induced Oxygen Vacancies

Interstitial oxygen flaws in the structure of donor-doped melilite materials make them excellent oxide ion conductors with little electronic conduction, and thus have a lot of promise for use in the ceramic electrolyte of IT-SOFCs (intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells).

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Laws of child abuse in Indian perspective: A review

Child abuse is harm or neglect toward a child by another person, whether an adult or child. It is common in all cultural, ethnic, and income groups. It can be physical, emotional–verbal, sexual, or even neglect.

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Revitalizing primary care is the key to people’s health in the post-COVID era

Growing evidence shows that primary care–oriented systems achieve better health outcomes, more health equity, and lower costs. Despite this strong evidence, such care has been chronically underfunded.

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Confusion with Pregabalin

Feb 05, 2024